change the world

Δημιουργός: RAVEN

Εκτύπωση από:

I waked this morning,
I opened my TV,
On the news a strange thing was wondering
That all the guns had disappeared .

But the world was still the same,
Everyone the others blame.
But the world was still afraid
For the news that something changed

Why do you wait, into your home
Why don’t you do, and stay alone.

Why do you sleep always and cry,
Instead of dancing, singing and smile.

We have to go beyond the words
We have to change first our inner worlds.

Why don’t you do something at home
You ‘re the one who ‘s gonna change the world

We are all at the same side people,
We are all at the same side
Colors of the same art picture
Rainbows in the sky

Δημοσίευση στο 16-04-2008