Poetic Lie~:(~:)~

Δημιουργός: TarTears

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

WoRds And IlLusionS
UndrEss Us AlL
ImaGes And LieS
The TruTh In My SouL

MistaKes And AnoMaLieS
CreaTe THe MeaNing
ChaoS anD WronG
InteResT Are GiVinG

ProFaniTy ANd SiN
MaKe WoRlD a ProdiGy
ObliGatioN and RulE
For StuPoR The StraTeGy

In mAsks And wEbs
The pOEtrY RisE
For PriMe And TruTH
The PoeTRy LieS

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 04-07-2008