
Δημιουργός: angel from the sky

Αφιερωμένο σε όσους έχουν πληγωθέι ποτέ από ψέυτικες ελπίδες

Εκτύπωση από:

all you ever said to me was lies
giving me hope
to break me in the end
I guess that was
what happened last night
I broke down

Why all theese lies
what did I do
to deserve that
you have no clue
what you did

Broken again
when I heard them saying
you were there
with that girl
all alone in the next room

how did I believe so many lies
how could I be such a fool
and believe to you
I promissed to my self once
I'd never be broken again
but look at me now

I don't know how to heal this hurt
and I've no clue how to let it go
and allthough I have told
to all my friends and all I know
that I'm fine and nothing 's wrong
I don't know how to carry on

Cause I'm
broken again
when I heard them saying
you were there
with that girl
all alone in the next room

Δημοσίευση στο 08-02-2009