Black Halo

Δημιουργός: Συλλογος Ερωτεωμενων και φιλων, Συλλογος Ερωτευμενων και Φιλων

Ας αρχισουμε το πρωινο με μια αγγλικουρα! καλημερα!

Εκτύπωση από:

Circle surrounds an angel’s face.
Different shades of sorrow cover her small yet elegant body.
Be not fooled by her cute looks.
Look away now!
Take my advice!
For none have managed to elude the attraction,
Didn’t they see the black halo?

Smooth as the sun’s surface,
Yet surrounded by dark colors and misconceptions.
Give into it, yes, feed yourself with lies and false hope,
Enjoy the façade,
Soon you will be forced to indemnify yourself.

Circle surrounds an angel’s face.
You like the challenge, don’t you?
You see halo,
You want halo…
For god’s sake can’t you see it’s black?
He who looks into her eyes once is a clever man,
For he will go to heaven and back,
But he who looks twice is a fool,
For he will mourn the day he let himself fall in love,
with those fiery eyes.
Most of you will burn.
For a thousand years will you burn in those fiery eyes.
Fear not though,
you will have me for company,
and there is room for everyone…

Look and loose yourself.
Is it that waist?
Those arms or those hips?
That smile or those lips?
No you imbecile.
It is the halo.
You want the halo.
You want the inside.
You want that wild soul.
Do not waste your energy trying to capture it,
For no man may tame it.
Some may go along with it,
Equally wild and unaltered,
And I wish them good luck
But NONE may tame it.

Black halo shaped around her,
And you love it just like it is.
You are nothing more than a shaking, swirling mass of testosterone.
You pathetic little man.
How I feel for you.
They all wanted that soul,
They all fell for it,
We all went for it,
Now we’re all burning.
So please stranger,
Look once,
Then forget.

They all wanted the halo,
Poor love-stricken folks,
Did none of you see that the halo was black?
I know I didn’t…

Δημοσίευση στο 25-03-2009