The Guys with Pockets Full of Dough

Όσοι έχουνε πολλά λεφτά
να `ξερα τι τα κάνουν
άραγε σαν πεθάνουνε, βρ’ αμάν αμάν,
μαζί τους θα τα πάρουν

Εγώ ψιλή στην τσέπη μου
ποτές δεν αποτάζω
κι όλα τα ντέρτια μου περνούν, βρ’ αμάν αμάν,
μόνο σαν μαστουριάζω

Αφού στον άλλονε ντουνιά
λεφτά δε θα περνάνε
τα `χουν και τα θυμιάζουνε, βρ’ αμάν αμάν,
δεν ξέρουν να τα φάνε

The guys with pockets full of dough,
I'd really really like to know
how they'll spend it when they die, oh me oh my,
or will they take it to the sky?
And will they keep it when they die, oh me oh my,
and will they take it to the sky?

What's in my pocket's not enough
to get me through when times are tough.
and to chase the blues away, oh me oh my,
smoking dope's my only way.
and to chase the blues away, oh me oh my,
smoking dope's my only way.

Now when they get to heaven's gate,
they'll find their money doesn't rate.
So why burn incense to it now, oh me oh my?
Why not waste it? Hell, they don't know how!
So why burn incense to it now, oh me oh my?
Why not waste it? Hell, they don't know how!

therealbillberg23, Bill Berg © 29.07.2014

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