To my beautiful girl

E mmu sirni e καρντιά να σου μιλήσω
fre ci ppu'vo κρατέρνο στη φζιχή
μα σου kanoscio fissa `n'es ta ammadia mmu
τσε ολο το pansieri mmu θωρρεί

Eleune t'ammaddia mm κα σε ρετσίνα
στο πέτο mmu γκραμμενη σε βαστώ
τσε passio νύφτα το mussai ssu t'orio
essi'puno, γελώντα, το θωρρώ

Ce `mpizzikata a fiddha της καρδιάς
ce termasi στο γιέμα μου βαστώ
mia sikka ca mu fei tin amilia
ste mu σκουριάζει ammaddia on e toro

Ce l termasi ce i sikka ce l lumera
μου σώζει ghiani esu manexo
ce quai momento fse su πάω ρωτώντα
sa `mbakkao fiure pu jerei νερό

My heart doesn’t want me to talk to you
about what I have in my soul
but when you look me in the eyes
you read right away my thought

My eyes say to you and like queen
I keep you written on my chest
and every night your beautiful figure
I see it in a smiling dream.

And the leaves of my heart tremble
and I have heat in my blood,
a darkness which takes my voice
and my eyes darken, that I can’t see.

And the heat and the darkness and the fire
only you can heal them
and every moment I walk asking for you
like a flower which is thirsty for water

maria_gr © 20.03.2008

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