Wish I were Alexander the Great

Να `μουν ο Μεγαλέξανδρος
και να `σουν η γοργόνα μου,
στα πόδια σου ν’ ακούμπαγα,
μικρό μου, την κορώνα μου.

Μα είμαι φτωχός και ταπεινός,
ένας Αλέξανδρος σημερινός,
Αλέκο με φωνάζουνε
και δε με λογαριάζουνε.

Κάστρα ψηλά να γκρέμιζα
με το σπαθί στο χέρι μου,
χρυσάφια να σε γέμιζα
να θάμπωνες αστέρι μου.

Wish I were Alexander,
and you were my Siren *,
so you could wear on your feet
little dear, my crown..

But I am a poor and humble
Alexander of this day.
They are calling me Aleko,
and do not take note of me.

Wish I were destroying tall castles,
sword in hand,
to cover you in riches,
to cover your shining, my dear star.

But I am a poor and humble
Alexander of this day.
They are calling me Aleko,
and do not take note of me.

Geeske © 08.06.2005

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