
Χωρίσαμε ένα δειλινό,
"αύριο" μου `πες, "αύριο".
Φαντάροι φεύγαν στο σταθμό,
"αύριο" λέγαν, "αύριο".

Εμπόροι κλείναν τα ρολά,
"αύριο πάλι, αύριο".
Καράβια σφύριζαν μακριά,
"αύριο" λέγαν, "αύριο".

Την άλλη μέρα έρημοι δρόμοι,
κι ένα σφαγμένο μικρό αηδόνι
ήμουν εγώ.
Την άλλη μέρα ένα κανόνι
ξέρναγε νύχτα, ξέρναγε χιόνι
στον Υμηττό.

Ζούσαμε και δε ζούσαμε,
"αύριο" λέγαμε, "αύριο".
Φεύγαν όσοι αγαπούσαμε,
"αύριο" λέγαμε, "αύριο".

Ποιοι λείπανε μετρούσαμε,
μα "αύριο" λέγαμε, "αύριο".
Φεύγαν και τραγουδούσαμε
"αύριο, αύριο, αύριο".

We parted one sunset
'tomorrow' you told me, "tomorrow".
Soldiers were leaving at the station,
'tomorrow' they were saying, "tomorrow".

Traders were closing up shop"
'tomorrow again, tomorrow'
Ship horns were blowing from afar
'tomorrow' they said, "tomorrow".

The following day, empty streets
and a little slaughtered nightingale
was I.
The following day, a cannon
belched out night, it belched out snow
up on Ymittus

We barely lived
'tomorrow' we said, "tomorrow",
Those we loved were leaving
'tomorrow' we said, "tomorrow".

We were counting who was missing
but 'tomorrow' we said, "tomorrow".
We sang as they were leaving
'tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow'

The following day, empty streets
and a little slaughtered nightingale
was I.
The following day, a cannon
belched out night, it belched out snow
up on Ymittus

We barely lived
'tomorrow' we said, "tomorrow",
Those we loved were leaving
'tomorrow' we said, "tomorrow".

manosaris, manos aris © 28.11.2008

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