Love song on fire

Δημιουργός: grifith, Παναγιώτης

Αφιερωμένο σε κάθε διαδικτυακό τρόλ που κρύβεται, σέρνεται και ομορφαίνει τους βάλτους του κυβερνοχώρου.

Εκτύπωση από:

Two days since I've seen your face
In the comments section in MySpace
I regret I sent you that chain mail
You might end up rotting in a state jail

Two weeks since you've made a post
Have you watched any "Heroes" or any "Lost"?
Did you wake up today on the wrong foot?
Haven't answered my pokes yet on Facebook

Two months, I still think of her
Hasn't logged in to her messenger
Maybe something happened to her PC
or she's having trouble with her ISP

Two years and it broke to me
Oh my God how could I not see
she's got a boyfriend, his name is Fred
he doesn't mingle with the World Wide Web

It's hard to tell you but with every breath
My heart explodes in a blue screen of death
Without your comments I don't need to be
I hacked your e-mail and I checked "Remember me"

Δημοσίευση στο 16-05-2009