Away (listen to your voice)

Δημιουργός: DoSMaN, Δημήτρης

Δεύτερη προσπάθεια αγγλικού στίχου... Hope you like it...

Εκτύπωση από:

Away... take me away...
Blow the wind and hear me say - okay

The time is now, take it in your hand
Trust no one, just believe in your self
Hear your voice, from deep inside
You can do what you want leave the others aside

You are here, seize the change
Do it now, is in your hand
Fly like Icarus, ride the wind
Leave all back, raise the speed

Awayyyy take me awayyy
Blow the wind and hear me say.. okayyyyy
Listen to your voice and leave it slip awayyyy
Now is your change to run away....

Don't hold back, do it your way
Don't hear them, you know what they say
You are the... one that you know
The lies that lay beneath of the faces that show

Don't believe them, let my voice heard
The same voice within your heart
Let it out, scream if you wish
Your voice is the power turn on the switch

Awayyyy take me awayyy
Blow the wind and hear me say.. okayyyyy
Listen to your voice and leave it slip awayyyy
Now is your change to run away.... (x2)

Awayyyy take me awayyy
Blow the wind and hear me say.. okayyyyy

Δημοσίευση στο 20-11-2011