Death's discontent

Δημιουργός: Μ.Ελμύρας

Από το : ' Διαφωνία για τον ήλιο κάποιου Ιούνη.Θερμή καλημέρα σε όλες και όλους.

Εκτύπωση από:

Death’s discontent.

Morn of April in my heart they met
blonde Eros and merciless Death.
One with gloomy face and darkened eyes
the other smiling as edelweiss.

Oh, drinking they were and chatting,
the trails of our lives charting!

-For you they joy for me they cry
for you praise, glory, for me outcry
of those caught in the net I cast
over the present, morrow and past.

Who stole my right to fall in love,
to sleep at night as common man,
have dear children, wife and dreams
a life of toll and gaiety’s screams?


Δημοσίευση στο 22-09-2016