A story about a girl and a star

Δημιουργός: Evita[Iris], εVα

το έγραψα πριν πολύ καιρό...έχει μηνύματα...

Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

story about a girl and a star.

A star was all alone. it wasn't shining. from the moment it was born, it didn't shine. problem? it didn't know. the sky and the other stars didn't accept this. so, they sent it to the earth. the star was crying and blaming its mother for making it non-shining. when it looked at the sky above and saw the stars shining so brightly, it felt sad and it wanted to commit suicide.

a day, a girl saw the star, that it was crying. she approached him,

- Hello...she whispered.

- Hello, the star said.

- Why are you crying? she asked in a friendly way.

- i don't shine. the sky and the other stars sent me to the earth because of this. they don't like me...

and it started crying again.

- Don't cry, the girl said.

- Why?

- Because you're so sweet, even if you don't shine. if you make the people love you, then you're really beautiful.

- Thank you...

and the star saw the truth. even if it didn't shine, it made this girl love it. it was beautiful. it was so joyful, and, it started shining!

- oh, that's a miracle! the girl screamed.

- Yes, it is! Thanks for setting me free!

The sky approached the star. All of the stars followed him.

- Now you've started shining, do you want to follow me to the sky?

The star thought about it for a little and then said:

- Now. The earth is where i belong, because here i've found the real happiness...

From this day and then, the star lived with the girl. Happily ever after...

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 08-09-2006