Low budget porn stories

Δημιουργός: Antiope11, Karamoggos Norvegicus


Εκτύπωση από: http://www.stixoi.info

Iraqoviti se rwtisa simera sto tilefwno an katalaves tipota apo tis apegnwsmenes prospatheies tou PornokaraMOGGOU tis teleutaies 2- 3 evdomades,alla esy to violi sou me tis karasourgele mantinades sou.

O typos exei faei "fylo poreias" apo tin GESTAPO reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Tyxaio pou mas vazei "tsokara" tou 2012 gia na poulisei tzampa ithiko??

Profanws tha ksanaepestrepse se kapoio "amore" tou parelthontos pou ki auto einai se diastasi kai to´kane "event" tou kalokairiou to palio SOURGELO. Tha faei kala omws!

H GESTAPO tha paei se kanena dikigoro kai tha tou "stegnwsei" kai to teleutaio cent apo to "Hartz4" me ta Alimente pou tha tou zitisei.

"Low Budget" durch & durch!!!

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 13-07-2023