Rainmaker's Whispers

Δημιουργός: Ηλιας Βητα

Βασισμένο στο τραγούδι της Μαρία Παπαγεωργίου σε στίχους του Μιχάλη Γελασάκη- Κάποτε Ήσουν

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Once you were home, the door, the bed,
wrinkled sheets, where dreams were spread.
Once I called you friend, I called you man,
Fool, and love in a life's intricate plan.

Beneath the sun, you were the boundless sky,
Above the city, a protest, smoke rising high.
Inside my body, a miraculous theme,
Naked, a revelation, like a fleeting dream.

Once you were laughter, you were tears,
A passage of time, something that endears.
I named you a country, a tree, a hue,
An optical illusion, a vision so true.

Beneath the sun, you were the boundless sky,
Above the city, a protest, smoke rising high.
Inside my body, a miraculous theme,
Naked, a revelation, like a fleeting dream.

The greatest love is the act itself,
Something on the floor, belonging to oneself.
Yet, you still rush to close the door,
If I had to tell you just one more:

"The hardest joy is the act of birth,"
A profound truth spoken, echoing its worth.

Beneath the sun, you were the boundless sky,
Warm in my hands, a luminous reply.
Nowhere are clouds, but you, a rainmaker...

Ηλίας Βήτα

Δημοσίευση στο stixoi.info: 21-10-2023