The puzzle of the dreams

Δημιουργός: Χρίστος Κ., Χρίστος Κέλλουρας

To practice my english

Εκτύπωση από:

I will not see back to the future
I will not call it back
to sit in its position.
But I will look on the rocks of my soul
To find the pieces of my broken dreams
that drifted by the wild wave of her selfishness
in that tempest sea.

Then I will put the pieces of the broken dreams
In a very big box, and I will give them to love
in order to solve the puzzle of the life
And give life again to the dead dreams.

And they will survive until a new storm
come and destroy them again
and make them a lot of pieces and depart this life.

Δημοσίευση στο 04-11-2008