Perpetual Pursuit

Δημιουργός: Συλλογος Ερωτεωμενων και φιλων, Συλλογος Ερωτευμενων και Φιλων

This is a statement, not a permission request

Εκτύπωση από:

A thousand suns have descended since that day.
A thousand days marked on the wall,
Countless lines in groups of five.

And yet what have I achieved?
I have sailed the deepest oceans,
crawled my way over the highest of mountains,
whole continents have I overturned in search of you,
and yet you manage to elude me,

I have cut these arms,
torn these feet,
worn this soul,
all in search of you.

I have driven through the wildest valleys,
walked past the greatest monuments,
flown across the entire sky,
blood sweat and tears have I left behind,
I’ve only stopped to laugh or cry.

And still I climb,
And still I crawl,
And still I fall.

And as I reach the summit once more,
as these fingers quiver grasping the cold snow,
as I gaze through the clouds and at the dormant world below,
home appears to be even further away than when I left,
home is a strange place, they say.

Deceptively calm and focused,
I still walk,
to every black hole and star,
to every desert and cliff,
to every sea and sky,
I still look for you,
a thousand and one days marked on the wall.

Δημοσίευση στο 09-04-2009