

Πλαίσιο χρήσης
132369 Τραγούδια, 270220 Ποιήματα, 28913 Μεταφράσεις, 26571 Αφιερώσεις

I have a cafe - 2437 Αναγνώσεις         

Στίχοι: Λευτέρης Παπαδόπουλος
Μουσική: Μάνος Λοΐζος
Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Γιώργος Νταλάρας

Άλλες ερμηνείες:
Ελένη Τσαλιγοπούλου
Μπάμπης Στόκας

Έχω ένα καφενέ
στου λιμανιού την άκρη
τον έχτισε το δάκρυ
αυτών που μένουνε
και περιμένουνε

Έχω ένα καφενέ
που ακούει όλο τα ίδια
για μπάρκα και ταξίδια
αυτών που μένουνε
και περιμένουνε

Έχω ένα καφενέ
ένα παλιό ρημάδι
αχ να ‘τανε καράβι
γι αυτούς που μένουνε
και περιμένουνε

Lyrics: Lefteris Papadopoulos
Music: Manos Loizos
First version: Yioryos Dalaras

Other versions:
Eleni Tsaliyopoulou
Babis Stokas

I have a little kafeneio
On the waterfront
It is built of the tears
Of those left to live here
And to wait.

I have a little kafeneio
Always hearing the same things
About the boats and journeys
Of those left to live here
And to wait.

I have a little kafeneio
It's an old ruin really
Ah, if only it were a ship
For those left to live here
And to wait.

 Translator's note: I ended up leaving the Greek word kafeneio, because "cafe" means something different in every country of the world, and the only other reasonably appropriate English word is "tavern", which however also has a meaning, and a totally different one, in Greek.
   Geeske © 08-06-2005 @ 18:41
25-05-2011 18:42
I have a small coffee shop
by the side of the port
built of the tears
of those who always stay behind
always waiting

I have a small coffee shop
It's walls witness to the same story-telling
about embarking and traveling
by those who always stay behind
always waiting

I have a small coffee shop
It's an old ruin really
Oh, if only it were a ship
for those who always stay behind
always waiting
25-05-2011 18:37
waterfront and ?????? (port) are different though, the ?????? (port) is significant here because of the myriads of Greece who left for the US and Canada by boat.

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