Returning from the pharmacy

Συνέβη χωρὶς ποτὲ νὰ καταλάβω πῶς — ἡ μητέρα εἶχε πονοκέφαλο,
……θυμᾶμαι, καὶ μ᾿ ἔστειλαν στὸ φαρμακεῖο,
στὸ γυρισμό, εἶναι ἡ ἀλήθεια, χάζεψα λίγο, κορόιδεψα ἕναν γέρο,
……τρόμαξα μὲ μιὰ πέτρα δύο πουλιὰ
κι ὥσπου νὰ στρίψω πάλι τὸ δρόμο
οὔτε σπίτι, οὔτε νεότητα πιά.

I never understood how it happened -- my mother got a headache I recall, they sent me to the pharmacy.
truth be told, on the way back, I loitered a bit, made fun of an old man
.......I scared two birds with a stone
and by the time i turned the corner
home and youth were gone

spgtgb, Thanassi © 25.04.2019

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